Monday, February 4, 2019

Canada Census, 1926 (Family Search Historical Records)

The Census of the Prairie Provinces, 1926 (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta). 

Other Census years of the Prairie Provinces include the 1906 and 1916.

The national government of Canada has taken censuses every ten years since 1871 and every five years since 1971. The 1871 census covers the four original provinces: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario. The first coast-to-coast census was taken in 1881. Newfoundland was not part of Canada until 1949. For Newfoundland, there are few, found 19th-century censuses that list names. They mostly contain statistical summaries.

These censuses list a large quantity of the population in the areas surveyed. However, portions of some have been lost, and some areas within the provinces were missed by the census takers.

To Browse This Collection

You can browse through images in this collection by visiting the browse page for Canada Census. 1926.

1 comment:

  1. I posted my success at navigating the census at
    Can't wait for it to be searchable!
