Monday, May 9, 2016

A to Z April Challenge - Reflections

Not long after I started my blog, The Past Whispers, about the genealogy of my family, I stumbled upon a post on Facebook that mentioned the A to Z Challenge, I was immediately interested. After reading the rules I joined and decided I would write about the place names in the province of Quebec, my home. What fun!

In being a part of the challenge I researched, formulated a post a day, traveled to other blogs to read posts I would have otherwise never had the chance to see, and I learned a great deal about the country in which I was born.

The people who set up this challenge did a marvelous job, kudos to you! Would I ever do another blogging challenge, yes, in a heartbeat!

See everyone next time!


  1. A to Z can be a learning experience for blog visitors but for the bloggers themselves. Glad to hear you were rewarded by the experience. Thanks for participating in the Challenge and for sharing your Reflections with us.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  2. Congrats on completing the challenge, it really is a lot of fun :)

  3. I would love to incorporate some IRL activity into a future theme, such as traveling to various locales as you mention. It's good to get away from the glass screen from time to time. And if it involves food, all the better :)
